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Mother India photo from Anjali Damanias FB status Aam Admi Party Volunteer working in Delhi election campain with her child in hand   

Aam Aadmi Party Delhi Volenters beaten by Delhi Police for demanding FIR registration against Rapist

India Delhi 20 Jun  2013 : Aaam Aadmi Party Volenter beaten by Delhi Police , Delhi police personnel violets human rights, offers urine to drink to a thirsty guy who asked water for drinking.

On 19th Jun 2013 evening an Aaam Admi Party Volenter an Auto Rikshaw driver in Delhi saw a  husband and wife both were crying , when asked by him female informed that her husband was confined in a house in Gokapluri. and female was gang-raped by two men .

The Amm Aadmi Party Voleneter took them to nearest police station in Delhi, police was reluctant to register FIR , soon on the call of AAP several volenters rushed to police station and demanded for justice for poor couple.

About 15  Voleneters were held and arrested by police of which 4 were girls , and there was very same named Binu who protested against rape of 6 year old little girl Gudiya few months before, in front of police and was brutally slapped by police personnel and was injured , later on her courage was instrumental in suspension of the same police personnel.

Police cracked down over innocent Amm Aadmi Party volenters , lathicharged and beat them mercilessly, leg bone of one of volenter was fractured , and hand bone of one volentere was fractured, it is said that the
Amm Aadmi Party volenters are framed by Delhi police in false charges.

One of aamadmi party volenter was crying and informed that he was offered urine to drink by a Delhi Police person person when he asked for water for drinking, in police custody.

Arvind Kejriwal  rushed to police station and protested with the thousands of volenters for justice.

Later on these volenters were  presented before magistrate who granted bail to only 4 female volenters and rest of others are still in arrest.

All over India this incidence has erupted in to anger amongst common man and the faith in the police and judiciary is diminishing.

Most of citizens in India are waiting for upcoming elections in Delhi so that they vote the candidates selected by Aaam Aadmi Part amongst conman people in Delhi which democratic and innovative way, are hopeful of changing current corrupt police, media, and governance systems in India.

Sources :

Police offers Urine to Tirsty Aam Aadmi Party volenter

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